The Psychology of Maximum Sales Performance
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- Understanding what went wrong.
- Reinvent yourself after a setback.
- Confront and eliminate your self-sabotaging habits.
- Gain renewed confidence and increase your emotional strengths.
- Using current behavior modification techniques to maximize your potential.
- Your IQ got you the job, your EQ (Emotional Intelligence or psychological strength) determines how successful you have and will become.
Salespeople need training in at least four separate areas:
- Product knowledge,
- Prospecting and sales skills,
- Compliance and company policies,
- Psychological training.
Salespeople, managers and psychologists will tell you that "how your emotions" ( feelings) determine your ability to prospect and sell. The question then becomes, "How do my feelings affect my ability to prospect and sell?" We have discovered which emotional factors inhibit prospecting and sales performance and which factors increase activity.
Typically, the psychological area is either ignored or it is addressed with simplistic out-of-date misinformation. This program is a combination of the techniques behavioral psychologists use in their private practice and a graduate class in applied performance psychology. We have all had fantasies about achievement. We imagine excelling at every phase of our lives. We would like to obtain more referrals, improve client relationships, enhance trust, and open more new accounts.
Few salespeople realize how a modest adjustment in their behavior can produce dramatic increases in production. The fact you have been underachieving does not mean that you cannot change. It only means that you have never learned how to change.
Few people comprehend their potential. Most of us manage to integrate our psychological and prospecting and sales processes so infrequently that when we do, it's like a peak experience - an emotional high. These highs are so rare that most of us are unaware that we are driving an eight-cylinder car, but only two cylinders are working. I'm sure you can remember times when you seemed to do everything right. When you prospected, it's as if they have been driving a Porsche around town in low gear.
You know what to do (product knowledge) and you know how to do it (sales skills), the only question you haven't solved is, "How do you get yourself to do what you know you should be doing?" That's the purpose of this training program.
Neither age, experience or income is a barrier to maximum performance.
Neither age, experience or income is a barrier to learning how to maximize your performance. You may be the number one producer in the office and simultaneously be the office's most significant underachiever. You may be the most talented person in the office. Even though you have been underachieving for years, you can learn how to kick your self-sabotaging behaviors and maximize your performance.
Maximum performance is not a mysterious gift handed to a few selected high achievers. It can be achieved by everyone who follows this change process. It has produced a quantum leap in others and it can and will work for you, too. Maximizing performance has its price: time, effort, commitment, persistence, and a willingness to follow through.
"To make sense of the emotion-performance link, we need to learn how to specify which emotions increase or decrease performance."
Self-defeating Behaviors
Most people spend their lives searching for ways to overcome their self-defeating habits we have developed throughout our lifetimes. All this searching is aimed at achieving our potential. The more we search the more frustrated we become. We have all grown distrustful of all of that pop psychology that is shoved our way. We all produce far below our potential. The gap begins to close as we learn how to eliminate our self-defeating habits.
We can fill our days with avoidance behaviors or with productive activities. Throughout our lives we tend to develop and maintain many negative and recurring self-defeating behavioral patterns. These patterns have forced us to underachieve for so long that we forget what it feels like to actually work in the maximum performance zone.
We underachieve because no one has taught us how to:
- Confront and eliminate our self-defeating behaviors.
- Recognize and control performance anxiety.
- Live in the performance zone.
- Use psychological contracts.
- Use psychological rewards and eliminate psychological punishment.
- Follow through.
We were all born into this world psychologically okay, but in the process of living we learned how to cope with frightening situations. We continue to use those coping behaviors each time we feel threatened. For example, how many times have you procrastinated because you know that if you procrastinate long enough you will not have time to call Bob, and if you don't call Bob, he will not say, "No." Have you ever killed time in order to avoid failing or succeeding?
How many times have you found yourself, or someone you know, bored with an activity after developing a minimum level of skill? In the say way, perhaps one of the greatest challenges in coaching is to be able to sustain your involvement in an event when he has reached one of those inevitable performance plateaus.
Self-defeating Behaviors Do Not Disappear Without Conscious Effort
Not only are your self-defeating behaviors formidable today, they will continue to gain strength until you use behavior modification strategies to eliminate them. The questions are "Where do you go to learn how to eliminate them?" and "Why would you procrastinate one more day to begin the change process?"
The program includes:
- How to distinguish between psychological symptoms and psychological problems? Symptoms include; procrastination, arriving late, wasting time, coffee breaks, long lunches and leaving early, shuffling papers from pile "A" to pile "B," working on low priority activities, reading the paper, talking to associates, feeling discouraged, frustrated, angry, bored, unmotivated or depressed.
- Real problems: Fears of rejection, failure, looking foolish, making mistakes, success. Old habits, unexpected setbacks, lack of skills, lack of direction. Old negative habits, unexpected setbacks, personal problems, lack of skills, forgetting, demands on time and self.
- How you learned to sabotage yourself and how to learn to change.
- Understanding and controlling performance anxiety.
- Performance contracts.
- Psychological rewards.
- Shaping: the reinforcement of successive approximations.
- Shaping new behaviors.
- Psychological rewards & punishment considerations in choosing rewards and punishment activities.
- Discovering and controlling antecedents.
- Incremental improvement.
- Follow through & evaluation.
- Termination - thinning, building in resistance to extinction, unsuccessful modification.
- Learn how to "Keep your commitment to your commitments".
- Learn how to break the "good enough" barrier.
- "No excuse to lose".
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